Architectural Design
Infrastructure is not just a building, it is a temple of knowledge and it has to be available to the student and staff all the time to develop and hone his/her personal potential. By conscious efforts great and positive vibrations have to be built inside the campus that should reverberate and bring in positive changes in all individuals that walk into the structure.
They must all feel secured, comfortable atmosphere in the school and warmth and affection should engulf the entire campus. This creates the school ethos.
A child spends maximum time in school as a student, the school infrastructure then becomes a major factor behind how a child sees the world as he or she sees the world as he or she grows. Overcrowding and stressful environment doesn’t encourage teaching and learning.
To go with the school tag line ‘beyond classrooms’ every inch, every corner of the school should educate the child. Organized and well planned activities that are integrated with the academic subjects are to be laid down by the Principal and the staff.